guest bedroom / office
The mezzanine bed used to be on the right when you walked in. Tonio took it apart and varnished all the wood.
He put it back together on the wall perpendicular to its original home.
And this folks, is the beautiful job of my husband's hard work. I forgot to mention that he designed and built this bed from scratch in 2010. I'm a proud and blessed wife to have such a handy, skilled craftsman as a husband.
View from the hallway. // The guitar-ukulele wall.
Tonio's desk, and above is where my daddy will sleep !!!
{He arrives on Tuesday morning.}
{He arrives on Tuesday morning.}
View from the desk looking to the hallway.
And since I take care of the announcement slides at church, I thought I'd throw this one in this morning... "Tim, Lindsey's dad, arrives this week!" Everyone looked over at me and smiled. YAY !!!
Love Linz