Christmas tunes

What I'm listening to...

You can listen too !!!

My favorite new Christmas album this year !  This guy is really good.
Favorite song: Do You Hear What I Hear?

Thanks to my brother-in-law, I learned about this amazing brother-sister album.  It's the kind of music that just gets better and better with every repeat.  This led me to Tyler's individual album above.

Our friend Riley always has an intriguing approach to songs, and Tonio helped his with the pronunciation of the French song {which we started singing here at Calvary Chapel Nice}.

I fell in love with Zooey in the movie Elf, and now she's great in New Girl.  Sometimes when I'm listening to her sing, I think of Jess from the TV show and giggle {but just a little}.

I think my favorite is when he sings Jingle Bells with the Puppini Sisters.  So much fun !

LISTEN {to most}
This one goes down in the all-time favorites along with :
Sufjan Stevens' 10 volumes of Christmas songs

So much more good stuff, but I think that will tide you over for a bit.
Enjoy !
I have "Hark the Herald Angles Sing" in my head... how about you?

Love Linz
ps - of course you are welcome to go buy any of these albums, but I just wanted to share some links to listen for free.  Merry Christmas !

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