It's begginning to look...

... a lot like Christmas

 Christmas cards.

 Chocolate-Mint Pinwheels.

 Strawberry Shortbread.

 Pecan Snowballs.

 Goody bags for our family, friends and neighbors.

Tree at night.

Tree in morning.

 Tonio, Sebastien, Lindsey, Tim, Andrew.

 Pierre, Nancy, and army men.

 Christmas pillows.

 Treats for my Dad !

 Notes by his bed.

Can't wait to have my Dad here to celebrate Christmas with all of us... such a great Christmas gift.  The only thing that would have made it that much better is if my Mom could have come too... next year Mama !

Love Linz

Off to pick up my Dad from the airport {giggle with glee}.

The eagle has landed


guest bedroom / office