Lindsey turns 43!

What a gift to be able to celebrate another birthday! Thank you Jesus for life. Thank you for being so faithful these 43 years. Thank you that my parents met you and started following you when I was just a baby. Growing up knowing you is the BEST GIFT EVER! I love you. Thank you for my family and these moments below! Amen.

I got to start my birthday at Daphné’s pony club! The best!

She was able to ride Eclipse for the first, a highly-loved and appreciated pony amongst all the girls.

Daphné galloped for the first time EVER! So fun to be there to see her. She was beaming afterwards. As if she didn’t already have the horse bug…haha!!!

We got home to a beautifully-decorated Papi and Mamie’s home. Django helped prepare things with Papi and Mamie. He is definitely the head of party planning.

Minions are back! We will use this table cover until it dies.

My two treasures. Daphné and I didn’t plan our matching pink and jeans, but we love it! And did you see Django’s crocs?

Happy birthday lunch! Thank you guys!

Gifts from my Mom and Dad.

Yummy snacks from Papi and Mamie! They also are so thoughtful and bought me and Daphné a 2-hour trail ride in the hills of Nice. I get to ride with my girl. I’m so excited!!!

This tray will definitely come in handy! Daphné is an excellent helper and takes off some tape for me.

Birthday cards from California.

A birthday show by Daphné and Django.

This scene makes me laugh so hard!

Merci Tata Cricri!!!

Tonio gave me the afternoon free, so I came into town and went to the photography museum. There was a fascinating exhibition by Henri Dauman. I love art and photography and museums! After the museum, I walked along the promenade to go home. Sunset time.

And that’s a wrap for my 43 birthday! Thank you to everyone who sent me cards, messages, and comments on instagram! I feel loved!

Love Linz


Carnaval and good friends


Django Art