October 2020
You guys! I’m so excited! Two reasons : 1) I’m almost totally up-to-date and 2) I (think) I figured out how to allow you to comment at the end of a post! Yay for both. Comment away (if it ends up working). The 2 highlights from this month were a visit from our Paris family, Sebastien, Maïna & Noé and Tonio and I celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. Without further ado, I give you October 2020.
Cousins cruising.
Living in a place where public transportation is part of life, I’m so very thankful that these two are so obedient and enjoyable in the tram (or bus). They always make people smile!
When Tonton comes to town, there is always fun to be had!
Big boy on the skateboard.
We got to go out on a double date with these guys. So thankful to spend some kid-free time with them. We love you Seb and Maïna!
Django and I went to the library while Daphné had her music class. On Wednesdays, preschool through elementary kids don’t have school, so it is often a day for activities.
Such a ham!
Tonio helped a friend from church place the nets to harvest their family’s olives, so we got to enjoy a day in the hills in nature.
They had a hammock seat, and these 2 were adorable in it until they started fighting. Ha!
Heavy duty, custom see-saws.
My turn in the hammock with my bud. You can see the green mesh under us that served to collect the falling olives.
Daphné’s friend Tanya got to come over after music class. We collected pine cones on the way home to decorate at home.
Tanya’s mama gave the kids a candy lipstick and a candy pacifier with a mustache. They were a big hit.
Whenever we walk home from the beach, we walk through these barriers. And, it’s tradition to impress mama. I’m always impressed with their efforts.
We met the cutest fruits and vegetable vendor at the park.
More tram rides.
The top of the tube slide. Daphné loves when little bro agrees to slide with her.
Every 6 weeks, French schools have 2 weeks off. During these mini “vacations,” several workshops are offered for kids. We signed up for a percussion morning. They both really enjoyed it, and so did I!
Vacation time gives us time to schedule dentists appointments. Django, Daphné and I got our teeth cleaned. Daph and Django were champs! It was his first visit. The dentist had him lay on top of me, and he was such a good patient. So proud of them! I was good patient, too, just in case you were all wondering. Hehe. For those of you who know me well, you know I’m obsessed with dental care, so the dentist is a happy place for me. ;-).
Daphné and Mamie planted these plants many months ago, so Daphné was thrilled at the first bloom. It is such a blessing having Pierre and Nancy in our same building, and their yard is a bonus for the kids!
Speaking of yards, many of the neighbors pitched in to help redo the front of the apartment building. It was really fun spending time with everyone. Django and Daphné contributed as well.
These 3 sweet girls live in the apartment right next door to us. It is wonderful to have a family so close. We don’t have to apologize for loud children. =)
Tonio surprised me with a 3-day getaway to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. He took me to a place I’ve been wanting to visit for many years, “Les Gorges du Verdon.”
Yes, he is saying something snarky with a French accent. Makes me laugh every time.
This lookout point was terrifyingly amazing!
Before leaving, we enjoyed a picnic at the shore. And many of you know, I’ve been taking pictures of my feet since the early 2000’s. My feet have been many beautiful places, and I’m so thankful that they now walk next to his. Crazy to think it’s been 10 years of marriage already. So thankful for my husband.
The local cultural center (which includes the library, Daphné’s music class and where the percussion workshop was) has a small theatre. We went to watch a cute short movie called “La Baleine et l’Escargote” (The Whale and the Snail). It was Django’s first time in a movie theater, and he loved it!
This is the local liberal arts university. The gate was open, so I brought the kids in to scooter around. We got yelled at that we weren’t allowed to be there. Too bad. It was really fun.
Helping Papa raise the seat on his “draisienne” (bike with no pedals).
The day after going to see that cute movie at the theatre, all of France was re-confined again (we made it just in time). Here we are on one of our ‘hour’ outings with a permission slip. This round confinement is much less difficult since all the preschools and elementary schools are staying open. You can imagine the happy dance my heart made when I heard that!
Daphné really enjoys playing on these ginormous jetty boulders.
We noticed she matched the hospital with her mustard color dress and blue sweater. That is where Django was born (not too far from Daphné’s right ear). It is also where I had my umbilical hernia surgery and where Django had his tonsils removed. The great thing is that we live less than 5 minutes away by foot. And an interesting fact. This is the hospital where Angelina Jolie gave birth to her twins in 2008. Haha! Tonio told me the paparazzi were insane. They rented several apartments around the hospital. Also, Tonio told me he saw a guy on the promenade who cut out a hole in a trash can, so he could take pictures from behind it. Random, non-important information for you to do nothing with…. HAHAHA!!!
Congratulations! You once again made it to the end. Phew! Up next, our current month of November 2020. I pray that you feel God’s love and joy in some very tangible way today.
Love Linz