Baby (must-have) List

Hi guys,

I was thinking of putting together a list of baby things for a friend who is pregnant, and I thought I'd share it with you.  These are just a few items that have really been great to have for Daphné and Django.  Petrignani family favorites.

Nursing pillow

The super flexible ones filled with tiny styrofoam balls are wonderful.  I used mine to sleep with when I was pregnant to hug and put between my knees.  Then, it's great for nursing/bottle feeding and also propping up baby or letting big sister hold baby brother ;).

Chicco Next 2 Me bed

I don't have much to say, except that this bed has been so perfect for our family.  Since it's right next to the bed, it makes night feedings much easier.  Also, the side can zip up to use as a normal bed not attached to the parents' bed.

Bouncy chair

These are absolutely necessary I've found.  Super light and easy to move around the house, it allows mama and papa to do dishes, fold laundry, work on the computer, go to the bathroom even... with baby always present.  Ours has a detachable arc with dangling toys and music too [removed in this photo]. 

Baby Carrier 

We have the Boba brand, but there are SO many brands out there now.  These are great for short trips into town, getting things done in the house if baby is fussy or even getting baby to fall asleep.  In this photo, I'm holding our daughter.  I used to "rock her to sleep" with it [before we sleep trained her].

Swaddle blankets 

These are so versatile! I would highly recommend getting the biggest available size (at least 47"x47" or 120cmx120cm).  Great for use as a burp cloth, blanket, changing table cover, nursing cover, stroller cover, scarf for mama (I have used it a few times for this), cape for big sister to play with =) and even swaddling... hehe! 

Cloth diapers 

We use them as burp cloths.  They are inexpensive and highly absorbent.

Avent Soothie pacifier

I realize everyone has a different philosophy about pacifiers.  For us, they've been wonderful.  Babies have such a strong sucking reflex, so if they aren't hungry and still need to suck, these are perfect!  I also liked the BooginHead brand strap.  With our daughter, we took away her pacifier cold turkey at 20 months when we


sleep trained her.  It was a smooth transition.  This specific brand, along with many others I'm sure, is designed so baby can't choke on it and also designed so it doesn't ruin their teeth.

Nose Frida snot sucker 

I know, I know, this sounds so weird, but I'm sure I'm not the only mom out there who thinks these things are amazing!  It is super easy to clean and to use.  I use it daily with our little guy right now, so he doesn't get sick from his pre-school-going, bacteria-infested big sister.  First I squirt saline solution in one nostril with baby's head on its side, then I suck out the gunk from both nostrils.  Perhaps it's not for everyone, but it works for us!  I'm a HUGE fan! [side note: I have never gotten anything in my mouth.  The filter system works extremely well.]

Sound Machine

We have this brand ('LectroFan), but I know there are so many out there.  We even have two, one for each kid!  We've found that it really helps them sleep better.  It creates a constant "fan noise" to drown out other noises that might wake or disturb their sleep.  Obviously, you can use an actual fan too, but in the winter, the sound machine is nice so as not to have air blowing in the room.

Getting Your Baby to Sleep the 

Baby Sleep Trainer Way

There are hundreds of sleep training books available, but I would recommend ONLY this one.  In 2015, we hired Natalie to work with us personally with our daughter via video chat.  Her method works.  I know many other methods work, too, but I'm biased since I've actually met Natalie through video.  She's wonderful, and this book explains everything.  I needed a coach, so hiring her was absolutely indispensable.  However, if you can glean what you need through books, look no further, this book is just perfect.  A link to her


if you are interested.

Bumbo chair

As soon as your baby can hold up their head on their own, this chair is super fun!  It is like the bouncy chair in that you can have your baby in every room with you.  I think they like it too.  They can sit up, without yet knowing


to sit up.  Our almost-three-year-old still plays with it by putting her dolls and stuffed animals in it.  Soon, it will go to baby brother ;). 

Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair

We love this high chair!  It's adaptable for all stages.  Here is our daughter's first birthday party, and you can see she has a tray.  There is also a seat barrier to keep her buns on chair.  We have moved the levels down and removed the tray and seat barrier, so she can now use it as a seat at the table.  It's perfect.  She loves it! 

I hope this is helpful for someone =)  Thanks for reading!

Here is the list:

Nursing pillow

Chicco Next 2 Me bed

Bouncy chair

Baby carrier

Swaddle blankets

Cloth diapers

Avent Soothie Pacifier

Nose Frida snot sucker

Sound machine

Baby Sleep Trainer Way book

Bumbo chair

Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair

Love Linz

ps - Glass bottles are a new discovery that we like, too!  They are so much easier to clean, and apparently better for the baby.  Less plastic contamination.




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