France visits my parents

Living here in Nice, I've made lots of different friends... from all over.  These 4 guys below are 4 of those friends.  Their parents are actively involved in our church here in Nice.  And each of them were at some point (Nathan still is).  Well, they wanted to do some world traveling and road trip the western United States.  I got them in touch with my family, so they stayed with my parents for a few days as one of their stops.

My niece Rowyn, my dad Tim, Thomas (now in Scotland), Nathan (still in Nice), Jonathan (now in Canada), Michael (now in Switzerland).  And a cool thing is this is two sets of brothers (Thomas and Jonathan, Michael and Nathan).

The front yard where I grew up.  Can you spot the crazy van the guys rented for their road trip?  So classic.

The beach is a must when you visit my family.

And of course, my dad took them all out surfing.  I think they had a good time.

And their last night, they went out to dinner with my dad, mom, sister and niece (you may be able to see my sister's belly... she is just 3 weeks behind me in her pregnancy with a little boy too... so cool - her hubby was unfortunately on a business trip, so he didn't get to meet the guys).

So, thanks for reading!  Isn't it always fun when our world's collide, when people we love meet each other?!!! 

Love Linz

My husband teaching God's Word


Pool days