Ladies Retreat

My amazing husband let me leave on a five day, four night getaway to Paris, while he watched our sweet little bundle.  I'm so thankful.  It was refreshing and inspiring and fun!

Bye bye Nice.

Hello forest in the outskirts of Paris : Écouen.

Exploring with these ladies.

Corinne and Marie-Christine.

Le Château d'Écouen.

Panoramic view of the courtyard.

Took this one to send to Daphné and Tonio.

No crocodiles.



Hi! (My earring is falling out - ha!)

Must be nice to have this as a backyard.  Royalty.  Wow.

Panoramic view from the castle.

The sleepy little town of Écouen.

My favorite tree EVER!!!

From underneath.

Cathy Taylor from Calvary Fellowship teaching how we are God's work of art.

Some of my notes.

A visit to the local church.


I like the aqua colored bricks.

On a forest promenade with my friend Caroline.

Nature.  God's Creation.  It just makes me feel alive.

I'm a sucker for old French cars.

The outside of the church we visited a few pictures above.

My room.  I had 2 really cool roommates, Rachel and Caryn.

Inspired to finish a song I started in 2005.  Thank You Jesus.  I'm still not done.  I'd like to write a bridge.  One of the gals said, "Please don't wait 12 more years to finish it."  HA!

Cathy, Nancy, me.  Thankful for such a wonderful time being encouraged in God's Word.  I just can't get enough.  Good thing I get to read my Bible everyday.  God wrote us a love letter, and it's ours to read.  I feel so privileged and loved.  Because I am.  [And you are too!]

Love Linz

Paris with the belle-famille


Daph Daph