Flight Prayers Answered!
Hey guys, we're just about out of the jet lag fog... ay caramba! Each time we go through it, I think, "Man, I don't know if I can do that again." Yet, we do, and God gives us grace and rest and helps us with re-acclamation.
So, for those of you who have been praying for Daphné to sleep through the night, THANK YOU!!! God has answered your prayers, and she is sleeping all the way through the night now. [Which means Mama and Papa are sleeping too... huge high fives!!!]
I wanted to share our flight story with you!
We also asked you to pray for an extra seat near us for the flight home so Daphné could sleep. Well, during this moment above (cutest thing to see Daphné jamming to Papa's music), I went to the desk to ask the lady if there was any wiggle room. She replied with, "I'm sorry. We have a completely booked flight. There's not one open seat in economy." So, I sat down and told Ton that it was going to be a cozy flight. All the while, I'm still clinging to the hope that something could change.
We get on the very full plane, and something did change. A couple in front of us gets bumped up to business. I ask the flight attendant if we could use those seats. She said go for it. Then, we ask the mom and teenage daughter next to us if they wouldn't mind moving up to the row ahead, so we could have some space for Daphné. The mom replied so sweetly, "It wasn't that long again that I was in your same position. I totally understand. No problem."
AND BAM! We had, not just one extra seat, but TWO EXTRA seats!!! Above is Daphné sleeping. She slept for 7 hours of the flight!!! Another huge answer to prayer.
So, through all this, God is good! All the time. He is good even if we would have only had our original two seats. I'm thankful that we have such a peace knowing God is always on the throne in Heaven looking out for His kids, the ones who call Him Abba Father, Daddy.
Thanks Daddy for our seats. You deserve the glory!
Love Linz