Bows, Parks and Playing

Dear faithful blog readers, thanks for keeping up with our family through this blog.  I do apologize for my delay in posting.  Sitting down to a computer with a toddler is a luxury.  So, as she naps, I write.

Enjoy a few pictures from the past weeks of cousin time and parks and such!

She found her cousin Rowyn's bow box and put this on all by herself.

Grandma Kathy and cousin Rowyn.

Visiting our local park, I ran into some old high school friends who now have kids as well.  We all played volleyball for Agoura High School =).

Rowyn and Daphné flyin' high!

I love her side smile.

Just chillin'.

And this is another park.

When she sits with her arms crossed like this, it means, "I'm happy and content mom."

Oh, those little legs and buns.

Oh, California parks, I'm going to miss you!

However, the nice thing about France is that there are actually other children to play with at the parks.

She wasn't too fond of the tire swing.

And still another park.

Look at this!  I was even playing with Daphné on all the equipment.

A happy squatter.

Playing at the mall play ground with my sis and her baby girl.

Daphné's French lips just make me smile.

My sis and I are thankful the girls still are content playing without actually paying for the car to move.

Say what?

Christmas tree selfie.

Love this moment.


Helping Grandma Kathy decorate.

Rowyn welcomes all to her "crib."

Love Linz

Church stuff

