Miscellaneous fun

Like most people, my phone has now become my main "picuture-taking-device."  Thus, every once in a while, I like to do a little photo drop, as I call it.  There is no theme, except for the fact that Daphné appears in each photo =).  Are you surprised?

After bath bundle of nose-picking cuteness.

A morning with Papi and Mamie.

Daphné and Mommy date at the boulangerie.  [Note : longest lasting ponytail to date... this one lasted 8 minutes, the time to eat her croissant, drink and walk around the boulangerie.]

Shopping at Picard, our favorite "in a hurry" store.

Kids morning at the library.  They had story time, then they put out all these cool toys.

She really enjoys books, and I'm so thankful!

Hangin' with papa on the couch.

Reading on her little pillow perch. 

Oh, and my husband quoted someone the other day, saying, "The best camera is the one you have with you."  Cheers!  I'm thankful the iPhone quality is so incredible now!

Love Linz

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