Mamie and Papi's Aug 31 Written By tonio and lindsey petrignani Daphné never has fun with Mamie and Papi! Here's the proof. Ha! New pool! Trinkets and rocks. Walking on stones. Testing the waters. Expanding diaper. Best mouth full of teeth. Our little sharky. A blur of cuteness. More blur of adorable. Love Linz MamiePapiPoolSwimming tonio and lindsey petrignani
Mamie and Papi's Aug 31 Written By tonio and lindsey petrignani Daphné never has fun with Mamie and Papi! Here's the proof. Ha! New pool! Trinkets and rocks. Walking on stones. Testing the waters. Expanding diaper. Best mouth full of teeth. Our little sharky. A blur of cuteness. More blur of adorable. Love Linz MamiePapiPoolSwimming tonio and lindsey petrignani