Austrian tidbits
Enjoy these last photos of the end of our week in Austria!
Thanks for being patient with me in catching up. We had such a wonderful time, then had Tonio's friend Jordan stay with us... and currently have my good friend Leah with us. My time has been spent doing more fun things with cool people rather than sitting in front of a computer screen ;)
This is the patio where we often ate meals. Daphné really enjoyed this ramp.
It was such a blast to see this little peanut explore her freedom and her legs!!! She only started walking July 10, so just one month.
This was a fun little toy Daphné enjoyed being pushed around on.
And the sand box is where we could often find her.
But the thing is, she doesn't like being sandy or dirty.... haha! So I was often dusting off her sandy hands.
It was really amazing to be here at the castle with our daughter... such a story to glorify the Lord!
Lake background selfie.
Town. So very Austrian.
To get her to sleep for her nap, I walked into town a couple times. Sleepy little piggies.
Snuggles and giggles with Daddy are the best!
And of course, we had to check in with the cuz, Rowyn via facetime.
Daphné was often surrounded by groups of girls like this... she loved it... they loved it... win, win!
And the obligatory lake picture. Tonio made the bold move to come introduce himself to me at this lake 7 years ago in August 2009... a year and two months later, we were married in October 2010! Thanks Tonio for being a real man and pursuing me! I'm so thankful for you and for our daughter!
First time in Millstättersee!
She loved it.
Can you tell?
The last night saying good-bye to everyone.
Love Linz