We are safe!

Praise God that we were not on the Promenade during the attack in Nice, France last night!  We talked about going back to see the fireworks to celebrate Bastille Day, but decided against it.  Sadly, this was not the case for many people.  So many have been hurt, killed and absolutely traumatized by the horror they witnessed.

(Taken about 4 hours before the attack... we were safely back at home.)

Unfortunately, this is just "another attack" in the world.  There have been many.  There will be more.  When will it end?!!!  It just makes me cling so much more to the God I know to be true and real and living and loving.  People ask, "Why would God allow such tragedy and evil?"  It's a good question with a good answer.

First, anyone who asks it believes there is a God... so that's a good start.  In a nutshell, God made the world, the universe, the galaxies... He made humans to be on the earth, to take care of His creation and give Him glory... all was perfect. 

God only had one rule.  Don't eat the fruit on this one tree. 

The humans ate it.  That was when the reality that we had choices was revealed.  God never forced anyone to follow Him or love Him.  He simply said, "If you love Me, obey my commandments" (John 14:15).  Sin entered the world with this first act of disobedience at the tree.  It grieved God's heart deeply.  He didn't want it to be that way.  It's not how He designed it.  BUT He still loves the humans He created, even when they rebel against Him.  He loves us humans so much that He gave up the only Son He ever had, Jesus, to come live on the earth.  He came as a baby (Christmas), grew up as a teenager, adult... He was killed on a cross to cover and pay for the sins of the entire world (Good Friday), yours and mine.  Then, He came back to life on the third day (Easter).

Before Jesus, humans were condemned to hell because of sin.  Now, if we confess our sins, accept and believe the stuff I just wrote about above, we get to live for eternity with God in heaven.  I just wanted to use this tragic event as an opportunity to share my faith.  If you have more questions, you can READ MORE. You can also email me or write me on Facebook.  I would love to answer any questions if I could.

(Taken along along the same street where the attack later happened this same day.)

Here is what I posted on Facebook this morning :
"This morning I woke up to hear about the attack that happened last night in Nice just down the street from us. [I still don't have a phone if you tried to text or message me.] I am in a bit of shock. I hugged Daphné so tightly when Tonio told me. My mom, dad and I were walking at this very area just hours before with little Daphné in the stroller. In fact, we crossed the street right at the barrier where the truck would later drive through. I am thankful we are all safe. I am angry at the evil in this world, and I am sure God's heart is more devastated. He gave us all a choice to say yes or no to Him. Many have said no; many have said yes. I'm still saying yes to a God of peace and justice and comfort and righteousness. He hates evil even more than any of us do! Here is a link to read updated information on what has happened.  READ MORE."

(Taken on the Promenade des Anglais where the attack happened just hours later.)

I'm glad to have all my loved ones here with me and safe.  My heart aches for those who lost their daddies, their mommies, their little Daphné's, their wives, their husbands, their grandparents, their aunties, their uncles, their brothers, their sisters, their cousins, their friends... it's so cruel and so wrong.

Please pray for us here in Nice as we deal with the aftermath.  I am asking God that people would stop saying no Him and start saying yes.  Perhaps, we at our little church here in Nice could make an impact somehow.

Love Linz

Grandma & Grandpa (Day 7-8)


Grandma & Grandpa (Day 6)