Grandma & Grandpa (Day 14)

Sunday, July 17th, we dedicated our sweet little Daphné to the Lord.  It was a beautiful celebration!

Here's the beautiful princess with her Grandma getting ready to go to church.

We had a picture up on the screen during her dedication.  She's in a train!

Grandpa praying for our sweet little sleeping angel who's in Grandma's arms.

Mamie, Kikik (Cricri or Christiane where Daphné gets her middle name), Grandma, Grandpa, Daddy, Mama, Papi.

I got teary-eyed at one point.  Her life is such a blessing to us. 

God has given her a special joy ever since she was born.  She also loves to sing, "Lala" with us.  We prayed the following verses over her life :

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks...

...God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth." -John 4:23-24
Our prayer for Daphné is that she worship God with her whole life!  AND... we think she will probably be musical, so we pray she can use music to worship the Lord as well as lead others to worship Him.

Her buddies in Sunday school : Gabriel, Daphné, Julian.

Snack time.  Julian, the little guy to the right is the same age as her cousin Rowyn in California.

My favorite picture from Sunday school thus far!  These little feet will do big things one day!

A kid's wonderland.

And this pony has become a Daphné fave.  She rocks to the very ends of the base!  I can't wait until she can ride a real horse!

Hanging out at Mamie and Papi's after for lunch.  Here she is with her Robi and Grandpa!

Love Linz

Grandma & Grandpa (Day 15)


Grandma & Grandpa (Day 13)