New Year's à la montagne

Our friends let us use their cabin in a small village called Andon!

Happy Papi with Daphné.

Lotta and Sebastien reading.

Nancy making it home.

Raclette, a popular cold-weather dish.  Yum.

Found a friend.

The Daphné corner.

Such a big girl in her high chair.



The cabin is just behind us.

And there it is again with a better view of the surroundings... we walked up that hill.



She loves hiking, especially when Daddy does all the work =).

I like the mountain peak in the distance.

Half way up.

Groupie.  Lotta, Sebastien, Nancy, Pierre, me, Tonio, Daphné's sleeping head.


Our hiking guide.  This dog led the way all the way up the hill.  She was sooooo sweet!

Apparently, cross country skiing happens here when there's snow.

Playing with auntie Lotta's pens.


Who doesn't love a baby in a sink?!!!

Thank you Papi and Mamie!

À boire!

Cozy in pjs.

And the drive home.  I think she had a good time, don't you?

I'm very thankful that God has given me such a wonderful family here in France.  And I'm also thankful for the opportunity to spend some time away at a beautiful place like Andon.  Thank you Thomas and family!

Love Linz

Lotta's Photos!


Third Christmas !