How to type and accented 'e' for Daphné

In English, we don't really need to know how to type accents...

...but in French, one must learn.  I thought you might like to know how to type Daphné's name with an accent on the 'e'.  Below are some helpful shortcuts :

If you are using a PC
type Ctrl (Control) + ' (apostrophe) + E.  See more HERE.

If you are on a Mac,
type Option + E + E (again).  See more HERE.

If you are on an iPhone,
longpress your finger on the E, and several options display, choose the "é".

If you are on an android phone,
click on this HELPFUL BLOG that explains it quite nicely.
Now, give it a whirl!


Love Linz 
Her name can always be written without the accent, which is the American version.  Not a problem.  Don't worry, I'm not an accent snob...ha!

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