Cotignac with Daphné
We all have so many great memories from this place, and now they include our little Daphné. La Sauvageonne, we'll miss you, but don't worry Cotignac, we'll be back.
the last supper
Mamy Nancy and Tonton Robinou
Tata Cricri and Mamy Nancy
I'm a Mommy !!!
He's a Daddy !!!
knights and princess of the round table
Mamy Nancy sharing her passion for plants and flowers
our Daph-odil meets the rose
front yard
Tata Cricri is gaga for Daphné
hand kisses
oh La Sauvageonne, how do we love thee? let us count the ways...
1) the memories
2) the visits
3) the vineyards
4) the garden walks
5) the sunshine
6) the flowers
7) the comfort
8) the great conversation
9) the "see-you-laters" and never "good-byes"
10) Mean Mine the cat - haha (that's for you Cricri)
We love you Rob and Cricri !!!
So excited for new adventures.
Love Linz