A Walk with Mamy May 4 Written By tonio and lindsey petrignani The other day, Nancy and I took Daphné on a little walk along the sea. not sure who had more fun, Daphné or Mamy don't you just want to squish her cuteness? =) such great eyebrow control (she gets that from her Daddy) my little cherub Love Linz DaphnéMamyNancySea tonio and lindsey petrignani
A Walk with Mamy May 4 Written By tonio and lindsey petrignani The other day, Nancy and I took Daphné on a little walk along the sea. not sure who had more fun, Daphné or Mamy don't you just want to squish her cuteness? =) such great eyebrow control (she gets that from her Daddy) my little cherub Love Linz DaphnéMamyNancySea tonio and lindsey petrignani