A day with Tata Cricri
For those of you who don't know, my middle name is Christiane [pronounced "Christy-anne"], and I'm named after...
...my Auntie Christiane. I call her Tata Cricri.
Tata Cricri came over yesterday and took us out to lunch [there's my Daddy holding me].
Then, she took me and Mommy shopping. Mommy let her drive.
I like sitting up in my stroller,...
...especially when Tata Cricri is there to give me a bisous [that means kiss].
She held an empty cup while I chewed it.
After Mommy and I said au revoir, I got to open a present from my Tata.
I'm really good at using my feet, too.
Here's a picture of Mommy holding up my new toy and me playing with the wrapping paper.
Mommy got really pretty flowers from her for French Mother's Day.
And here I am wearing a shirt and playing with a toy from Tata Cricri... she's so cool.
Thank you so much !!!
I love you Tata.
Love Daphné