Beach and Work
"a little play, a little work"
by Daphné Christiane
This was a special day. It was the first time I put my feet in the Mediterranean sea !
While Daddy was playing soccer,
Grandpa Pierre, Grandma Nancy and Uncle Sebastien came to pick-up me and Mommy.
We came to the beach,
and Uncle Seb went stand-up paddling.
I hung out with Grandma Nancy !
We had fun.
Then Mommy had the silly idea to put a onesie on my head to block the sun. (They really need to get me a sun hat, I mean, come on, really).
I was happy that Mommy got to go stand-up paddling too.
It was her first time back in the sea after having me !
Grandma watched me again while Mommy was in the sea... I love my Grandma Nancy.
Uncle Seb is snorkeling in behind Mommy.
Then everyone ate these yummy-looking sandwiches... oh boy, I can't wait until my diet is more that just white liquid !
After my milk, Uncle Seb (he's a pilot you know?) made me fly !
I let down a white liquid bomb on him... haha.
It was really fun to fly.
And here I am with Grandpa Pierre - he loves me very much.
So, after play, one must work.
Here I am at my desk.
I love typing on my boppy pillow.
Voilà... all play and some work.
Love Daphné
*thanks Grandpa Pierre for pictures 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.