Daphné Christiane Petrignani Jan 10 Written By tonio and lindsey petrignani Words fail to describe what has been given to us. So here are the facts: Our baby girl, Daphné Christiane Petrignani, was born today January 9th 2015 at 12:49pm. She weighs 3580grams or 7.9lb. And is 49.5cm long, almost 20 inches. Mother and daughter are in good health and resting at the hospital for a few days. Here are pictures from the event: BabyDaphné tonio and lindsey petrignani
Daphné Christiane Petrignani Jan 10 Written By tonio and lindsey petrignani Words fail to describe what has been given to us. So here are the facts: Our baby girl, Daphné Christiane Petrignani, was born today January 9th 2015 at 12:49pm. She weighs 3580grams or 7.9lb. And is 49.5cm long, almost 20 inches. Mother and daughter are in good health and resting at the hospital for a few days. Here are pictures from the event: BabyDaphné tonio and lindsey petrignani