Calvary Chapel Nice
Welcome to our Sunday morning service, 30 November, 2014.
Tonio led worship.
He did the announcements.
AND he taught. I did sound.
Pierre led communion.
Tonio taught on the beginning of Luke 14. My take-away : follow Jesus' example of humility and put others before myself. Easier said than done - I'm so selfish, but thankfully, God is patient with me. I'm always so challenged and encouraged when my husband teaches. God has surely given him a gift to rightly divide the Word of Truth ! I'm a proud and thankful wife.
I thought it very appropriate that my communion bread was shaped like a cross. Every time I take communion, I picture Jesus on the cross thinking about me. I know I have lots of pregnancy hormones going on right now, but I get tears in my eyes. To think that the God of the universe sent His ONLY Son to earth as a baby, to live among sinners like me, then die for not only MY sins but the sins of the whole world. Learn more HERE. Thank you Jesus. May my life be an example of your love.
I'm still on bed rest, but it was so nice to go to church to see everyone. I stayed sitting, don't worry. As I type this Monday afternoon, it's raining... still... I can't complain, because my family in California has been praying for some real rain for 3 years. Here is an interesting LINK that gives you a clue of just HOW much rain we've gotten, beaten all records. We might just have to take little bébé P (once born, of course) up to the mountains to see some incredible snow.
Thanks for reading the blog.
Love Linz
Tonio led worship.
He did the announcements.
AND he taught. I did sound.
Pierre led communion.
Tonio taught on the beginning of Luke 14. My take-away : follow Jesus' example of humility and put others before myself. Easier said than done - I'm so selfish, but thankfully, God is patient with me. I'm always so challenged and encouraged when my husband teaches. God has surely given him a gift to rightly divide the Word of Truth ! I'm a proud and thankful wife.
I thought it very appropriate that my communion bread was shaped like a cross. Every time I take communion, I picture Jesus on the cross thinking about me. I know I have lots of pregnancy hormones going on right now, but I get tears in my eyes. To think that the God of the universe sent His ONLY Son to earth as a baby, to live among sinners like me, then die for not only MY sins but the sins of the whole world. Learn more HERE. Thank you Jesus. May my life be an example of your love.
I'm still on bed rest, but it was so nice to go to church to see everyone. I stayed sitting, don't worry. As I type this Monday afternoon, it's raining... still... I can't complain, because my family in California has been praying for some real rain for 3 years. Here is an interesting LINK that gives you a clue of just HOW much rain we've gotten, beaten all records. We might just have to take little bébé P (once born, of course) up to the mountains to see some incredible snow.
Thanks for reading the blog.
Love Linz