atelier guitare

guitar workshop

giving away old song sheets.

sign up for song files via email.

prepared for 20.

hoping for less than 10.

8 students - perfect !
{Jean, Birte, Elodie, Yann, Cathy, Sandrine, Mariska, Pierre}

Pierre M. taking a break - he came to support his wife, but he ended up learning a few things too =).

it was so cool how everyone helped each other.

captive audience.  i'm so proud of each one.

explaining B and C#m... i got a lot of wide eyes and sarcastic laughs.

we'll stick with G, C, D and Em for now... or i should say Sol, Do, Ré and Mi mineur.

this guitar workshop has been long overdue, and i'm so thankful how well it went {in French AND with strange chords...haha!}.  i remember a while ago when i lived in Montana, one of the pastors encouraged us to be working ourselves out of a job, continually looking for ways to pass along what we know.

if we are all honest with ourselves, we've learned what we know from someone else, even if it was from a website or books... someone else wrote them.

i want to be like a river with waterfalls and streams branching off, not like the dead sea.  what are you doing to share what you know with others?  believe me, just because i did this workshop, i haven't paid my dues.  my whole life i want to be giving not keeping.

i hope you are inspired in some way - you can do it !  i was SO nervous yesterday, but of course, God fills in the gaps of my inadequacy.

Love Linz

ps - after the class, all i heard was, "Quand est-ce qu'on va le refaire?!"  When are we going to do it again?!  i'd say that's a good sign =)  and this morning after church, a lady asked me if she could do a sewing workshop... domino effect !  thank you Jesus - YOU deserve the glory !   

DIY frog costume


my husband