to the mountains

à la montagne
13 février, 2014

driving up the hill with Tonio

weeeeee !

a look back at the valley we just drove through

looks like it's going to be a blue sky kind of day

well, we traded the blue sky for these cool people - good trade =)
(me, Tonio, Julien, Florent, Sebastien) photo : seb

we hopped in the big box to the top of the mountain, and Seb closed his eyes so he got fake glasses =)

up, up, and away !

ready with my man

to carve up Isola 2000

the only thing is, we can't see very well

but it didn't matter because if we fell, we fell into fluffy powder

lots of powder

i'm this guys number one fan !

 lunch break at the hobbit hole - this chinese restaurant was completely covered photos : seb

as you can from this picture too photo : seb

going up for more

the mountains take my breath away every time =)

bam !  the hottest man on a very cold mountain photo : seb

selfie : feety

chains photo : seb

more chains photo : seb

a day in a white wonderland :: fun
makes me think of this :: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow isaiah 1:18
a white so pure and untainted :: it could only come from a perfect God
thankful for :: my relationship with the Creator of these mountains

Love Linz


my 33rd


saint valentin