groupe d'adolescent

junior high group from church (+ extras)

 we had a fun group come over to our house last night for games and pizza

i don't know who had more fun, the junior highers or the "old" people
(Steven blindfolded, Esther, Melissa)

yes, they explained to us that anyone over 20 years of age is OLD - ha
(Pablo blindfolded, Olivia, Steven, Kathleen)

this game was funny - the team members had to coach the blind how to build a lego house just like the model : we were timed...if the most time won, the team that took 13 minutes would have been stoked - the winners made it in 3 minutes, 40 seconds
(Tonio blindfolded, Ryan, Axel, Deyvid)

i got to play too - we got 4 minutes and some change
(me blindfolded, Birte, Steven again, Axel, Nathanael)

 nothing like a good old-fashioned game of spoons to keep everyone on their toes

even the videogame-oholics were super into it : i know tonio and his sidekick Nathanael were really encouraged by how the night went

 some of our spoons were bent in battle, but it was for a good cause

here we had names of famous people on our heads and had to ask questions to guess who we were, i was George Clooney, what else? we also played mafia which is called Werewolf here in France : "Lou-garou" in French - I'd say Lou-garou was the biggest hit, next to spoons...

...actually, i think this was the biggest hit =)

a fun night - Tonio and i are so thankful to share our home - i love when laughter spills out the windows into the courtyard =)

and a little rowdy spoons action for ya - Ryan almost had that last spoon

Love Linz


a voice

