lost and found
tonio and i just discovered these the other day !!!
i thought one of my memory cards was empty...
...apparently not
what a fun surprise 3 years later
first time i've ever seen these pictures
(your first time too.)
first time i've ever seen these pictures
(your first time too.)
Daddy, Chelsey, Pierre, Nancy in my childhood living room
there he is, my man, the day before i became his Madame Petrignani, Ilana does some practice make-up and Chops does his best to be cute and get in the way
yard clean-up for the big day : uncle chris, jordan and mama
morning after a night of rain, yes, it didn't just rain the night before our wedding, it dumped! thankfully God heard my prayers for 20-something years that i wanted to get married outside one day, and He cleared the skies for the most beautiful day EVER! thank you Jesus!
chicken suit the guys made Tonio wear for his bachelor party, Sarah and Jenna making me purrrrty to marry my handsome
i hope you enjoyed these lost found photos as much as i did
what fun memories from October 28th, 29th and 30th, 2010 !
Love Linz