lost and found

tonio and i just discovered these the other day !!!

i thought one of my memory cards was empty...
...apparently not

what a fun surprise 3 years later
first time i've ever seen these pictures
(your first time too.)

 Daddy, Chelsey, Pierre, Nancy in my childhood living room

there he is, my man, the day before i became his Madame Petrignani, Ilana does some practice make-up and Chops does his best to be cute and get in the way

craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastal !!!

yard clean-up for the big day : uncle chris, jordan and mama

rehearsal dinner fun : i love these people

morning after a night of rain, yes, it didn't just rain the night before our wedding, it dumped!  thankfully God heard my prayers for 20-something years that i wanted to get married outside one day, and He cleared the skies for the most beautiful day EVER!  thank you Jesus!

my best ladies treated me to a YUMMY breakfast
{note the crèpe - getting ready for France}

chicken suit the guys made Tonio wear for his bachelor party, Sarah and Jenna making me purrrrty to marry my handsome

i hope you enjoyed these lost found photos as much as i did
what fun memories from October 28th, 29th and 30th, 2010 !

Love Linz


