My 2 favorite men
Highlights from the past few days.
So as not to bore you with 50 100 150...
way too many photos,
I'll share just a few.
26 December, 2013
A walk to the sea with my beau-gosse and my Daddy.
Walking under Santa... did you know Santa hangs out here at the Mediterranean Sea?
Haagen Dazs.
27 December, 2013
Lunch at Bông-Laï with the fam.
Running anyone?
I was rollerblading with them.
29 December, 2013
I'm leading worship with Tonio playing the cajon and singing harmonies.
Our friend Alexandre is playing the violin.
Nice Ferris Wheel !
Love this shot with the city behind us.
Me and my babe.
30 December, 2013
Hike from Eze-sur-mer to Eze Village.
We made it to the top.
Enjoying the old fortified city.
Coffee and hot chocolate on a terrace with a sacrée vue.
Feet !
{Sarah & Tan, you may notice my socks... I love them, thanks.}
31 December, 2013
The Old Man and the Tree {one-thousand years old, to be almost exact.}
Love Linz