Joyeux Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving !
I know everyone and their mother are posting pictures of their food and decorations.
I thought I'd join in the fun ! Why not, right?
[story behind the above photo : Tonio gave me the idea to use the tilt-shift effect to make it "pinteresting" - I love that my man can appreciate my love for the domestic and for pinterest.]
Tonio's name card : "I'm thankful for..."
Table for 6.
Seb, you were missed. I set a place for you just in case ;)
My Uncle Rob and Aunt Cricri.
My beau-père and belle-mère.
Always proud to be by this guy's side.
I see you through the peephole...
...Come on in !
I think I'm most proud of this little decoration treasure.... HAHA !
The Line-Up. Bon Appétit !!!
Happy belly.
And the reason for being thankful... the family God has given me over here in France.
Pies : "tarte aux pommes" by Pierre, pumpkin pie by me.
Dessert. La fin des photos.
I've tried to write this last paragraph for about 30 minutes... type, delete, type, delete...
How does one express their thankful heart? I almost have tears in my eyes right now.
I'm thankful for Tonio, the man who loves me as Christ loves the church,
the one who sacrifices so much to make me feel like a princess and to treat me as one,
the man who expanded my world introducing me to a country and a language that I now love deeply,
the man who will do anything to help me stay close to my family I love and miss so dearly,
the man with whom I will have so many more adventures !!!
I love him. And I'm thankful.
Love Linz