surfing in Italy
Great way to start the day
ready to change into my neoprene best friend*
after a fun surf session*
gorgeous coastline
Yann, me and Sebastien
our boards in the punto
drying my booties in the flower box outside the kitchen... haha !
I had so much fun. I thank my God that He gives me little blessings like this.
Love Linz
*thanks Seb for these photos
ps - anotherlittle BIG blessing is that my dad is coming to visit me !!! He will be here December 17th to January 14th !!! I'M GIDDY AS A SCHOOL GIRL.
Italian sunrise*
after a fun surf session*
gorgeous coastline
Yann, me and Sebastien
our boards in the punto
drying my booties in the flower box outside the kitchen... haha !
I had so much fun. I thank my God that He gives me little blessings like this.
Love Linz
*thanks Seb for these photos
ps - another