Hiking down a canyon,
probably one of the cooler things I've done in my life !!!
Merci mon Dieu d'avoir crée une telle beauté.
Thank you God for creating such beauty.
probably one of the cooler things I've done in my life !!!
Merci mon Dieu d'avoir crée une telle beauté.
Thank you God for creating such beauty.
Florent, me, Tonio, Sebastien
Nous sommes prêts pour une petite balade.
We're ready for a little walk.
Après 45 minutes, on est y arrivés.
After 45 minutes, we arrived.
Swimmers, take your mark... !
You gotta love a man in neoprene !
I love this one in particular.
I love this one in particular.
les Crazy Quatre
(see that bridge back there? ya, that one. well, my fearless husband, his bro, the bro's friend, another guy, and that other guy's 10 year-old son jumped off of it to start... I wasn't into a jumping appetizer, so I waited a bit before really facing my fears... HAHA !!!)
Tonio !
Qui ne saute pas n'est pas niçois !
If you've been to a Nice football match, that's for you =).
Moi !
Dream. Come. True.
Goonies inspired me all these years ago.
{A REAL rock slide, and this was just one of many}
Goonies inspired me all these years ago.
{A REAL rock slide, and this was just one of many}
Dieu fait les meilleurs parcs aquatiques !!!
God makes the coolest water parks !!!
God makes the coolest water parks !!!
Unda' Da Sea !
Tellement reconnaissante que Seb a amené son GoPro.
So thankful Seb brought his GoPro.
So thankful Seb brought his GoPro.
Lui aussi.
He is too.
He is too.
J'ai un beau-frère assez cool.
I have a pretty great brother-in-law.
I have a pretty great brother-in-law.
Seriously, can it get any better than jumping off waterfalls?!!!
Regardez autour de nous.
Look around us.
Look around us.
Incroyable !
Incredible !
Incredible !
No photoshop. No effects.
We were canyoning through a postcard.
Le Créateur de l'Univers est magnifique !
The Creator of the Universe is amazing !
We were canyoning through a postcard.
Le Créateur de l'Univers est magnifique !
The Creator of the Universe is amazing !
Franck et son fils Paco étaient aussi avec nous.
Franck and his son Paco were with us too.
Franck and his son Paco were with us too.
Je t'entends pas.
I can't hear you.
I can't hear you.
Seb a trouvé une micro grenouille.
Seb found a micro frog.
Seb found a micro frog.
Nous avec notre guide, Thierry.
Us with our guide, Thierry.
(he's the one in the white helmet below, telling me where to jump)
This was one of our smaller jumps, about 7 meters (about 23 feet). The highest one I did was about 11 meters (36ish feet). Yowsers ! I like the sound of 11 much better than 36 - HA !!!
Google has a nice collection of Canyoning photos HERE.
If you ever have the chance, do it !
Thanks for enjoying God's beauty with us,
Love Linz