10 happy things

Everyday, we have a choice...

a choice to wake up on the "right" side of the bed
a choice to smile when life calls for a frown
a choice to be joyful despite circumstances
a choice to either serve others or serve ourselves
a choice to either embrace the faithful promises of God or not

Paul is so spot-on when he repeats a certain phrase to get it through our thick heads:
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

Choosing to rejoice is a response to what God has done for us.
Maybe you don't think He's done anything for you.

Ok, stop breathing...  stop...

You can't, can you?  It's God's beautiful design.  He gives you breath.
He's an organized God with vision and a plan.
That must mean He has a plan for you life, since you're still breathing on this earth.
You can choose to live by His plan and have a really cool relationship with Him.
{I personally think it's the most adventurous, fulfilling life EVER !}

Or, you can choose your plan in hopes that it's better than His.
{I really doubt it, since He's got so much stinkin' love for you; you're His creation !!!}

Whether you agree or not, I do hope it made you think.  If you don't mind, I'd like to continue this blog post with a few little things that have made me happy recently...  I'm choosing to be thankful for these 10 little things =)

1. A hamburger lemur with lime ears and mustard eyes...
Who says we're ever too old to play with our food?

2. Spotted today in Carrefour - made me giggle.

3. Sales in France that happen twice a year (January and July)

4. A new backpack

5. Backpacking !!!
Tonio, Seb and I are planning to go soon

6. Our new free oven that works and has a light

7. Library Card
Just got it yesterday

8.  Free books, CDs and DVDs from the library

9.  New green, shiny sandals
Thank you to the sales (#3) !

10. Refashioning clothes
This used to be a loooong dress that I only wore a few times, one of those time being on our honeymoon.  Anyways, I just grabbed a pair of scissors and went for it.  I do believe I'll be wearing this baby all the way through July, August and into September !
It's cute, isn't it?
And I think I'll make a headband {maybe even a scarf too} out of the scraps.

Thanks for taking a little journey with me into my little happy moments.
Please know that I could fill several blogposts with unhappy things, sadness, tears, life's general crap that happens to me, to you, to us...

But, I choose not to.

May we rejoice !
What are you rejoicing for today?

Love Linz



Good friends