too busy?

You know the days when you wake up and just start going going going?
Perhaps for you it's everyday.
I have heard kids can add this for sure.
[One day we will be able to relate, but until then...]

Today we prepare to leave for Austria for a week.
You know, the castle on a lake where I met my Prince Charming 3 years ago?
Ya, that one.

{August 2009}

We are looking forward to some good Bible study, friends and enjoying God's spectacular creation !
And being away from the Nice heat and humidity is an another added bonus.

{August 2011}

Anyways, today I hopped out of bed, drank some water, brushed the teeth and runner's take your mark...

Finish envelope for Dad's 60th Bday present (hint: it's the 27th)
Walk to Post Office
Mail the envelope (one can never be too early with international mail)
Laundry (including sheets)
Change guitar strings
Oil bread boards
Fold laundry (dries FAST these days)
Put sheets back on bed
Clean bathroom
Water plants
Texting back and forth with my man at work
Move fans around around to keep sweating to a minimum

{August 2009}

I did have a sweet little pause when Nancy came over to chat.  Thanks Nancy.

Then finally, at 5:30pm I sat down and read my Bible.
Ahhhh, refreshing.
Now I know why I try to read in the mornings BEFORE the craziness.

{August 2009}

I have a one-year Bible, and today I started the great story of Nehemiah asking permission to rebuild the wall to the city of Jeruselem (Neh.1); then read about Paul exhorting the Corinthians to be committed in their marriages (I Cor.7); then I finished with Psalm 31 going off about the unfailing love and protection of God and how those who are loyal to Him can have hope in Him.

Just spending time reading the love letter that God has written to me is better than any high I could find anywhere else.  I know that it is God speaking to me, because I have this oxymoronic insane peace and calming joy.

{August 2009, before Tonio, probably praying God would bring him soon - bam !}

I have tasted and seen that the LORD is good (Psalm 34:8).
I hope that you either have already and will continue or that you will taste His goodness for the first time.
He's written us a really cool letter - let's read it !

I know I usually don't write this much text, but I had to share this with you today.
I was also really encouraged by Oswald Chambers too - you can read it in ENGLISH or in FRENCH.

Love Lindsey

{August 2011 - I love this guy !}
see you in Austria or when we get back

ps - all pictures taken at Schloss Herroldeck in Millstatt, Austria

a little hello from Austria


2 brothers and a sister