petit à petit

Summer Goal Progress!

the French have an expression:
"Petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid,"
which means:
"Little by little the bird makes his nest."
It's kind of like our "Slowly but surely."

Do you all remember ::this post:: from June?

Well, on July 6th, I'm proud to say that I finished the 343 pages of 
"Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong."
I learned so much about my new country, about its past, its present, 
and even quite a bit about my husband...hehe.

Today I completed level 3 {finally} of my Fluenz French computer program.
 My goal is to complete level 4 by the end of August.

And yesterday, I started "The Call of the Wild."
I'm already in love with Buck.

What's on your summer reading list?
--Love Linz


bright orange
