i smiled

3 choses qui m'ont fait sourire aujourd'hui
{3 things that made me smile today}

Cookie, le chien
{Cookie, the dog}



story of Cookie:
Today in a sport store with Tonio and Nancy,
I spotted this pooch being wheeled around by his owner.
After stepping aside to contain myself,
(I thought I was going to explode from sheer CUTENESS overload)...

I walked up the older couple and asked if I could pet their doggie.
They willingly obliged, and shared that his name is Cookie
and that he had just eaten, so he was a little tired.

After smothering and kissing him,
I asked if I could take a picture =)
The man even helped pose him for me
and get his attention.

We parted ways:
"Merci beaucoup!"
"Bonne journée!"
"Bonne journée à vous aussi!"

Thanks Cookie for making my day a little sweeter !

--Love Linz


worry by Mr. Chambers


nuits carrées