dirt, trees, and fresh air

playing in the park on monday
a 30 minute walk from our home

 olive trees and old gates

such a blessing to have some "nature" close by

a field of tonio's favorite trees

 what?!  chickens & turkeys?  we even found a goat - crazy !
i love this man with all of my heart

 a view of the city

definitely made for children, these "exercise" machines gave us quite a laugh

have i mentioned how much i love climbing things?

happy to be in my element

 love - ha

bisous - kisses

i hope you enjoyed the little breath of fresh air as much as i did
city life is convenient and pleasant,
but this country girl needs to get out of it every once in a while

take a moment today to enjoy some fresh air, 
even if it's a bit chilly in your neck of the woods

--Love Lindsey
ps - this was before we both got sick... slowly recuperating, though =) 



a rose